
Is your roof worn, damaged or eroding? Atlas Restoration can provide a team of qualified technicians direct to your door. Our experienced staff specialise in general roof repairs, restoration and replacement, with all services available at affordable and competitive rates.

When you require professional roof restoration in Hastings, the Atlas team are well equipped to handle roofs in all their major forms and sizes. We cover metal, zinc, tin, tile, Colorbond, and other roofing structures. Regardless of the surface material, our staff can provide expert cleaning, general repairs, repointing and recoating.

In addition to our comprehensive roof restoration, we will also cover any guttering and leaf guards at your property. Reach out now for further details or to arrange a free quote!

Additional Services
Other Services We Offer on the Mornington Peninsula and in the South-East Suburbs
The Atlas Roof Restoration Difference
  • 10-year
  • certified-painting
  • fully-licensed
  • tile-roof
  • highly-trained
  • surprice-free-price
  • colorbond-roof
  • on-time
Offering Roofing Expertise From Our Family to Yours
Before - After
Discover More Photos of Atlas Restoration, Before and Afters.
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  • before-3 after-3
  • before-2 after-2
What Our Customers Say
  • Beyond happy and appreciative of how much work was done. The house smelt amazing and so much of a difference it had on my mental health.

  • Lovely lady and great cleaner as well!

  • Emma was really great, very good. Did everything so thorough. Very attentive to detail and very polite.

  • Iā€™d recommend all girls, they did amazing.

Roof Repair and Replacement Hastings

Need emergency assistance or an inspection on your current roof? Atlas Restoration operate all week long across Hastings and the Mornington Peninsula. From environmental damage to gradual decay, the roofing structures of our homes and businesses fall victim to a wide range of issues ā€“ issues that can threaten the health and safety of your occupants.

With over a decade of experience on hand, the Atlas team can promptly identify the root cause and work to find a viable solution. Depending upon the situation, our services may include high-pressure cleaning, flexible pointing, re-bedding, tile replacement and assistance with guttering.

Our teams can attend and provide prompt inspections and advice throughout the Hastings area. Call now for on-the-spot assistance!

Re-Bedding and Roof Repointing in Hastings

Once the Atlas Restoration team have carried out a detailed inspection, we may need to carry out a service we commonly find is the aged or weather ridge capping mortar. Your ridge capping role is critical to the overall lifespan and vitality of your roof, particularly in the case of tiled surfaces.

One of the primary benefits of re-bedding and flexible pointing is the strength it gives your roof. If this stage of the roof is overlooked, you are left vulnerable to tile displacements and later leaks. These issues will quickly lead to further property damage to the interior of your home and business.

Keep your property protected with our comprehensive roof restoration and repair services in Hastings.


Offering Roofing Expertise From Our Family to Yours

Roof Restoration on the Mornington Peninsula and across Melbourneā€™s Southeast Suburbs

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